Moving 101: How to Move Part 1

Published on August 2, 2021 under How-To

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The best tips and tricks on how to move into a new home

Moving to a new home is a big project for anyone. Even the most experienced nomads draw up battle plans to tackle packing, scheduling, travel, and the great unpacking ahead. Here at First Savings Mortgage, we've worked with many new homeowners planning a major move capping their experience of buying a home. After over thousands of new homes and move-ins, the best tips and tricks rise to the top. If you're looking for a comprehensive and practical guide on moving smoothly to your new home, you've come to the right place.

Let's dive into the leading tips and tricks for planning a successful move - and a smooth unpacking experience.

Plan of Attack to Pack

The best way to pack is with a plan. You'll be more organized, efficient, your items will be safer, and you'll know how to unpack easily if you follow a plan from the start. The first step is to put together the right packing supplies. Don't worry, you can always snag a few more boxes if you need them at the end.

Gather Packing Supplies

  • Boxes
    • Few XL
    • Some L
    • Many M
    • Few XS
    • Closet Box

  • Tape and Dispenser
  • Packing Paper and Crates
  • Multi-Colored Tape and Markers

Devise a Box Labeling and Sorting System

A labeling system will make your arrival and unpacking infinitely easier. It will also help you keep your packed items organized and more aptly decide how to stack boxes into the truck safely. Use multi-colored tape and markers for a quick and thorough labeling system.

  • Color-Coding by Room and Purpose
    • Pack boxes based on the room they were in. Label or color-tape each box to indicate which room it came from
    • You can further label or color-code boxes based on the purpose of the items inside, indicating appliances, decorations, or clothes for example

  • Clear, Descriptive Labeling
    • Label each box by room, category, and contents. Then label everything that goes in the box. This will make unpacking infinitely easier when you're looking for something specific. If the box is a mix of categories, write them all on the outside of the box
  • Identifiable from All Sides
    • Quick-label or color-tape every side of the box so no matter how it's stacked, you can tell what's inside at a glance

What to Leave Behind

You don't have to pack and transport everything in your house. If the new place is smaller and/or there is furniture you could stand to leave behind, do. Now is a great time to purge unwanted and worn out items. Movers often recommend leaving an old couch or broken bed frame behind, then buying new (or used) when you get to your new place. It saves on space and weight in the moving truck and eliminates the effort of moving anything you leave behind.

How to Pack Your Items Safely

  • Heavy Items to Smaller Boxes
    • Place heavy items in small boxes. The heavier an item, the smaller a box it must go in. Most people can't lift more than 50 lbs comfortably, and boxes can get heavy fast when you stack items compactly

  • Fluffy Items Only in Largest Boxes
    • Only use your large boxes for very lightweight and 'fluffy' items. The extra large boxes should be reserved for pillows and stuffed animals. Large boxes are for blankets and lightweight appliances - things that take space but weigh little. Smaller boxes are for anything with real heft
  • Create Padded Layers of Items
    • The safest way to pack your things so they arrive intact is padded layers. No matter what size box, follow this process:
    • Pad the bottom
    • Fill with a stable layer of items with a semi-even top
    • Add a layer of padding (sheets, blankets, clothes, paper) evenly
    • Fill with another layer of items
    • Top with padding before sealing the box
    • If worried, pad the outside edges of the box. You can also double-box putting a smaller box padded inside a larger box.
  • Pad-and-Nestle Breakable Items
    • Breakable items need to be packed carefully. While there is a special method for each type of breakable (ex: cups vs figurines) the principle is the same. Pad each so that it's limbs and cavities are filled. Stuff cups and bowls and crumple paper around the arms and legs of a statue. Then nestle these times together either in a grid-crate or amongst each other in highly padded balls and scoops
    • Stack padded plates upright (on edge) as they break less this way
  • Use Clothes and Paper as Padding
    • You don't have to buy packing paper to pad. Use t-shirts, towels, sheets, and newspapers as well. Anything that reduces impact will do
  • Specialty Transport
    • For things like pianos, medical equipment, and tropical fish; you may need to hire a specialty transport service

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